City Lab: Turning the Tide on the Clyde
The River Clyde has the label “post industrial” in the 21st Century, as vast swathes of derelict land peppered with fading ship building and other industrial infrastructure compete with crumbling quay walls and silted basins to ensure the image is decaying heritage rather than future building. Turning the Tide On the Clyde is a Clyde Docks Preservation Initiative project designed to address how the River and Firth of Clyde could be better connected and more active as a diverse maritime region. The launch event for this initiative was created in partnership with Memory of Water (a pan European, 6 Cities project exploring the role of artists in post industrial community settings) Fablevision, Govan Docks Regeneration Trust and a wide range of stakeholders with an interest in a thriving post industrial (or increasingly it seems, re-industrial) River Clyde.Read More